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10 Traditional Natural Flu and Cough Remedies with Home Products


Natural cold and cough medicine traditionally derived from household ingredients. When the body aches, there will also be pain, fever, chills and congestion.

There are many home remedies that can relieve cold symptoms as well as coughs. Cough and flu are diseases that easily attack anyone, especially when the immune system is weak.

When experiencing the initial symptoms of cough and flu, it’s a good idea to relieve symptoms with the help of natural ingredients. This can make your throat more comfortable and also relieve congestion.

1. Chicken soup

Chicken soup is the right food choice when you have flu and cough symptoms. Research shows that enjoying a bowl of chicken soup with vegetables prepared from scratch or warmed from a can, can slow the movement of neutrophils in your body.

Neutrophils are a common type of white blood cell. They help protect the body from infection. As they move slowly, they remain more concentrated in the areas of your body that need healing the most.

The study found that chicken soup was found to be effective in reducing symptoms of respiratory tract infections, especially at the top. Low-sodium soups also have high nutritional value and help you stay hydrated.

2. Ginger

Quoted in the Health Line, a few slices of raw ginger in boiling water can help relieve a cough or sore throat. Research shows that it can also ward off the nausea that often accompanies the flu.

3. Honey

One of the traditional natural cold and cough remedies with home ingredients is honey. Honey has a variety of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Consumption of honey with tea plus the addition of lemon can relieve sore throat.

Research shows that honey is also an effective cough suppressant. In one study, researchers found that giving children 10 grams of honey before bedtime reduced the severity of cough symptoms. Children reportedly slept better with honey and it also helped reduce cold symptoms.

However, you should not give honey to children under 1 year, as it often contains botulinum spores.

4. Garlic

Garlic contains an allicin compound which has antimicrobial properties so it can be used as a cough and cold medicine. Adding garlic supplements to your diet can reduce the severity of flu symptoms.

Apart from supplements, fresh garlic mixed into soups or foods can also help with flu symptoms.

5. Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays an important role in the body and has many health benefits. Together with limes, lemons and other types of citrus, they all contain vitamin C.

Adding fresh lemon juice to tea and honey can reduce phlegm when coughing. Although these drinks may not get rid of the flu completely, they can help you get vitamin C which can relieve upper respiratory tract infections and other ailments.

6. Foods containing probiotics

Probiotics are “friendly” bacteria found in the body. They can help keep your gut and immune system healthy and research shows that probiotics can reduce your chances of getting sick with an upper respiratory infection.

For a good tasting source of beneficial bacteria. Apart from having potential benefits for the immune system, yogurt can also be a healthy snack that provides lots of protein and calcium.

7. Salt water

Salt water can be a traditional natural cold and cough remedy. Rinsing with salt water can help relieve nasal congestion as well as remove viral and bacterial particles from your nose.

The trick is to mix 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp baking soda in 250 ml warm water. Use a syringe or nasal irigation device to squirt water into your nose. Close one nostril by applying light finger pressure while spraying the salt mixture into the other nostril.

8. Kencur

In a book entitled ‘Herbal Juice Book (2007) by Ning Harmanto, kencur is said to contain borneol compounds, methyl-pcumaric acid, cinnamicacid ethtyl – pentadecane ester, cinnamic aldehyde, camphene and others.

So that kencur can warm, relieve pain, facilitate the removal of water from the body and help thin out phlegm.

9. Pineapple

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which has anti-inflammatory properties and breaks down mucus and removes it from the body. Pineapple can be consumed immediately after peeling and washing it clean.

However, pineapple is not recommended for those who are taking certain blood thinners and antibiotics.

10. Drink white water

The key to relieving coughs and colds is to consume water and fruits that are high in water to keep the body well hydrated. This can be natural cold and cough medicine traditional at home.

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