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[정치]Was there a hearing like this “Best goodbye”… What is the hidden intention?

Candidate Han Jeong-ae’s hearing, character and morality poured out
Members of the People’s Strength, Extraordinary Praise and Demonstration
Criticism of candidate Park Bum-gye poured out after praise from the people’s strength
People’s Power, Park Beom-gye Public Hearing on the 24th


A rare scene was directed at the personnel hearing for the candidate Han Jeong-ae of the Environment Minister.

The power of the people who called themselves the attackers of the hearing was an exceptionally good person.

Other intentions were hidden behind the praise.

Reporter Baek Jong-gyu reported.


3rd elected lawmaker from a former labor activist.

Candidate Han Jeong-ae, Minister of Environment, served as secretary of the National Assembly’s Environmental Labor Committee and was also the chairman of the Democratic Party Policy Committee.

Perhaps the influence of the history, the atmosphere of the hearing was friendly from the start.

Exceptionally, even members of the opposition party, People’s Strength, praised.

[임이자 / 국민의힘 의원 : 같은 노동계에서 일했던 사람으로서 굉장히 저 또한 영광스럽습니다. 문재인 대통령께서 인사를 단행하신 것 중에서 제일 잘된 인사가 아닌가 싶기도 하고….]

One candidate also mentioned the humidifier incident, a pending issue of the Ministry of Environment, and made a heartbreak, responding to expectations, saying that he would also review additional experiments.

[노웅래 / 더불어민주당 의원 : SK케미칼과 애경산업에 대해서 공식 사망자만 천 명이 되는데도 이거 무죄판결 난 거 아시죠?]

[한정애 / 환경부 장관 후보자 : 피해자들의 입장을 고려하면 좀 안타깝기도 합니다. 필요한 조치가 있다고 하면 다각도로 모색해서 검찰과 같이 협조하도록 그렇게 하겠습니다.]

However, there was a bone in the praise of the opposition.

After complimenting that there is no reason to criticize only one candidate, the candidate of Justice Minister Park Beom-gye followed.

[김성원 / 국민의힘 의원 : 한정애 후보자랑 비교해서 박범계 후보자 어떻습니까? 지금. 누가 국민들이 인정하겠습니까? 박범계 의원이 의문의 1패를 당한 거예요.]

The People’s Power is also pushing ahead with a plan to hold a separate public hearing one day before the hearing of candidate Park Bum-gye, scheduled for the 25th.

As there was no agreement on the attendance of the witnesses, it was meant to call the witnesses at a hearing without candidates to verify the suspicion.

[김도읍 / 국민의힘 법사위 간사 : 우리가 국민 청문회를 하는 것을 보지 못하겠다고 그러면 증인, 참고인 수용해주세요. 그러면 되는 거예요.]

[백혜련 / 더불어민주당 법사위 간사 : 박범계 후보자의 청문회와 관련한 이야기를 또 하게 된 것 자체가 유감스러운데요. 분명하게 소송에 연관된 증인은 받을 수 없다는 부분을 말씀드렸고….]

The praises from the hearing on the candidate for Environment Minister Han Jeong-ae are interpreted as a kind of breathtaking and paving stone.

Paradoxically, at a hearing next week, the opposition authorities foretold that they would crush the candidate for Justice Minister Park Bum-gye.

YTN Baek Jong-kyu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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