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[정치]與, the party convention “rules war” seriously … a party rate detonator


Since the National People’s Power Convention is expected to be held at the end of February next year at the earliest, the “war of rules” among the upcoming party runners has also increased.

It seems that the relationship between party thinking and public sentiment will be the trigger, but opinions differ depending on the method of calculation.

This was reported by journalist Jeong Yu-jin.


The people’s power before the end of the regular National Assembly is in fact an atmosphere of transition to the “party convention” system.

While the party convention is expected to be held at the end of February next year at the earliest, the leadership has also undertaken related work, such as planning an opinion poll for party members.

[정진석 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 얘기를 계속 듣고 있습니다. 여러 경로를 통해서 많은 당원들의 의견, 또 소속 국회의원들의 의견 제가 듣고 있습니다.]

It’s also an atmosphere in which the nervous warfare surrounding “party convention rules” is serious.

The biggest problem is the current 7:3 ratio of party member voting polls, party sentiment and general public opinion polls, and public sentiment reflection ratio.

Pro-Yoon faction figures strongly insist on the need to increase the percentage of Dangsim.

It stands to reason that the negative selection of Democratic Party supporters can be prevented, and the election of the party representative should obviously reflect a lot of party sentiment.

[김기현 / 국민의힘 의원 (CBS 김현정의 뉴스쇼) : 확고한 의지를 가지고 추진해 나갈 수 있는 사람, 이렇게 뽑는 것이기 때문에 당원들의 의사가 당연히 절대적인 반영이 돼야 된다, 이렇게 생각하고 있습니다마는….]

On the other hand, former lawmakers Na Gyeong-won, Yoo Seung-min, Yoon Sang-hyun and Ahn Cheol-soo oppose the rule change.

It is said that it is impossible to guarantee victory in the general election without properly reflecting public sentiment.

[안철수 / 국민의힘 의원(유튜브, 오늘, 부산시 언론인 간담회) : 두 목소리가 다 반영이 되는 대표가 되어야 다시 또 비당원 우호층의 표를 우리가 총선 때 얻을 수 있다고 그렇게 생각하거든요.]

The leadership is planning to eventually form a special commission on constitutional amendment to start full-fledged discussions.

This is YTN Jeong Yujin.

YTN Jeong Yujin ([email protected])

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