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[사회]Planting 3 billion trees by 2050…Reducing 34 million tons of carbon


Forests are the only source of global warming that absorbs carbon dioxide without emitting it.

In order to achieve’carbon neutrality in 2050′, the Korea Forest Service has decided to plant a total of 3 billion new trees over the next 30 years.

Reporter Kim Jin-du reports.


Dense forests are the only way to curb global warming.

This is because it absorbs carbon dioxide, the main culprit of greenhouse gas.

However, as trees age, their carbon dioxide absorption rate decreases.

As of last year, the percentage of trees older than 50 years was only 10% of the total, but by 2050 it will increase to a whopping 80%.

In this way, the carbon dioxide absorption of the forest, which currently exceeds 40 million tons per year, will be reduced to 14 million tons by 2050, to a third level.

A problem arises with the ‘2050 carbon neutral’ goal of dramatically reducing carbon dioxide emissions and absorbing as much as they do.

[문재인 / 대통령 : 2050년 탄소 중립을 목표로 나아가기 위해서는 국가적으로 차분하고 냉철하게 준비해 나갈 필요가 있습니다.]

To improve this situation, the Forest Service plans to plant 3 billion new trees by 2050, raising the carbon absorption rate to 34 million tonnes.

[박종호 / 산림청장 : 기후변화 대응에 있어 가장 자연 친화적인 방법은 숲과 나무입니다. 미국은 1조 그루의 나무 심기 법안이 발의돼 있고 캐나다도 10년간 20억 그루 나무 심기 계획을 발표했습니다. 저희도 30년간 국내에서 29억 그루, 북한을 비롯한 해외에서 3억 그루 등 30억 그루를 심을 계획입니다.]

In addition to cutting down old trees and replanting them in place, new plantations are also secured.

Urban forests are expanded, and targets are expanded to islands and waterfront areas, and to the devastated North Korean forests and overseas.

In addition, it has decided to increase the use of wood that has been recognized for its carbon storage capacity, and to develop and apply species with excellent carbon absorption and climate change adaptability.

In the 1970s and 1980s, trees were planted and raised in bare mountains, and after 40 years, Korean forests became lush.

The Korea Forest Service’s strategy is to move away from maintaining forests and contribute to carbon neutrality through a virtuous cycle of’cutting, planting, using and nurturing’ resources.

This is YTN Kim Jin-du.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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