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[사회]”LH employees, 500 million cheaper than the market price”… Former landowners’pain’


As LH employees, who are suspected of speculation, are alleged to have bought the land much cheaper than the market price, the owners who sold the land are disgusted.

It is said that there weren’t one or two suspicious things, such as contacting them with no intention of selling the land or making a pretense saying that the contract could never be broken.

This is reporter Dayeon Kim.


Land in Mujinae-dong, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, bought for the first time by LH employees who are suspected of speculation.

In 2018, landlord A announced that he would sell more than 5,000 square meters of land for 1.4 million won per 3.3 square meters.

However, another real estate suddenly proposed a transaction at 1.08 million won per 3.3 square meter, and Mr. A sold the land he had for more than 40 years after worrying that there would be no more people who would buy it.

[○○공인중개사 관계자 : 싸게 팔렸다 그러더라고요. 그 당시에 우리는 140만 원을 주인한테 받아주기로 했는데 그 집(거래한 부동산)에서는 108만 원에 팔았더라고요, 평당에. 손해가 많이 났죠.]

At that time, the trading price was 1.94 billion won.

If Mr. A had sold the land according to the plan in the first place, it could be sold for 2.5 billion, which means that he suffered a loss of 560 million won compared to the market price.

[A 씨 부인 : 시세라고 하니까 그게 요즘 시세니까 더는 받을 수 없다고 하니까 그 가격이 됐겠죠.]

In the process of trading, they said that once you sell it, you can never break it, and they put it under unnecessary pressure.

[A 씨 부인 : 계약금 받은 다음에는 절대 파기할 수 없다고 몇 배를 내줘야 한다고…. 파는 사람이 그런 말을 할 것이지 어떻게 사는 사람이 저런 말을 할까….]

B’s family, who sold the land in Guarim-dong in June of last year, also lamented that they felt deceived.

A real estate agent with LH employees who said they wanted to buy land that had not been released came into contact several times and reluctantly made a contract, and I opened my eyes and felt like a cobain.

[B 씨 부인 : (LH 직원인 걸 알고 계셨는지) 모르죠. 알았으면 안 했지. 금방 뭔가 되려나 보고 안 하지.]

There is even suspicion that it was aiming for the right to sell through the so-called splitting of shares.

[B 씨 이웃 주민 : (원래는 1명이 계약하러 왔는데….) 나중에 잔금 치를 때는 3명인가 왔다고…. 지금은 노발대발하죠.]

Former owners who sold their land to employees who are suspected of speculation agree that they would not have bought the land so aggressively without inside information.

At the same time, he could not do anything about the land he had already sold, but he appealed to him to be punished sweetly when illegal activities were revealed.

YTN Dayeon Kim[[email protected]]is.

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