Home » today » World » [국제]60% of Europe and the UK suffer from drought, cropping emergency

[국제]60% of Europe and the UK suffer from drought, cropping emergency


Korea is experiencing a water crisis due to heavy rains for the first time in 115 years, but Europe is suffering from severe drought.

60% of Europe and the UK are in drought conditions, which puts crop crops at risk.

Correspondent Lee Jong-soo.


The two rivers that run through the Swiss-French border have exposed the cracked floor.

Because of the severe drought.

The tourist boat dock, which has been closed, is deserted and quiet.

[크리스토프 발레리어 / 레스토랑 주인 : 재앙입니다. 2년 동안 코로나에 시달렸는데, 1년 동안 가뭄을 겪다니…]

Abnormal high temperatures and lack of precipitation have left 60% of the UK and Europe in drought conditions.

In France, rainfall last month was only 15% of normal.

South England had no rain for 144 days.

According to the European Drought Observatory, 45% of the UK and continental Europe suffer from a lack of moisture in the soil, and 15% of the crops are under stress and damage is severe.

Grain crops are in crisis in Europe.

[네보이사 조키치 / 농부 : 올해 가뭄이 농작물의 90%를 앗아갔습니다. 거의 완전한 가뭄 피해죠.]

European grain and soybean production this year is expected to be 8-9% below the average over the past five years.

The French government is concerned that this year’s corn harvest could be reduced by more than 18% compared to last year.

This is Lee Jong-soo from YTN.

YTN Jongsoo Lee ([email protected])

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