Home » today » Business » [경제]Acceleration of de-coaling and denuclearization over the next 15 years… Government proposal confirmed this month

[경제]Acceleration of de-coaling and denuclearization over the next 15 years… Government proposal confirmed this month

Eliminate 30 coal power plants and convert to 24 LNG power plants
24 nuclear power plants → 17 units… Renewable energy facilities 4 times
“Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 191 billion tons by 2030”


The government has come up with a basic plan for power supply and demand for’de-coal and de-nuclear power plants’ that will significantly reduce the proportion of coal and nuclear power generation by 2034.

The electric power plan will be finalized at the Electric Power Policy Council after a public hearing on the 24th.

Reporter Cho Yong-seong reports.


Korea’s electric power roadmap for 15 years from this year has been published.

The 30-year-old coal power plant will be eliminated and 24 will be converted to liquefied natural gas LNG power generation.

Seven coal power plants currently under construction, including Gangneung Anin Thermal Power Plant Units 1 and 2, will be completed as scheduled.

Nuclear power is currently down from 24 to 17.

According to the nuclear power plant roadmap, Shinhanul Units 3 and 4, whose construction has been suspended, are excluded from the power supply source.

Renewable energy increases the capacity of power generation facilities by nearly four times.

In this case, the proportion of coal power generation, which is around 40%, will decrease by more than 10%, dropping to close to 30%, followed by nuclear power, LNG, and renewable energy.

The Ministry of Industry estimates that this will reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 139 million tons by 2030.

The peak power demand of 89.1GW this year is expected to increase by 1% each year to reach 102.5GW by 2034, and the power reserve ratio is maintained at 22%.

The direction of expanding eco-friendly energy previously discussed in the Basic Plan for Power Supply and Demand Working Group was maintained.

[유승훈 / 전력수급기본계획 워킹그룹 총괄분과위원장 (지난 5월) : 원전의 점진적 감축과 재생에너지의 확대라는 정책적 큰 틀을 유지하면서 안정적 전력수급을 전제로 석탄발전의 보다 과감한 감축 등 친환경 발전 전환을 가속화하는 방향으로 검토하였다는 점도….]

The Ministry of Industry will disclose the details of the plan at a public hearing on the 24th and finalize it at the Electric Power Policy Council at the end of this month.

YTN Quiet Seong[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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