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▷ R + V: Strict regulations for the funeral of pets

28.10.2020 – 09:48

R+V Infocenter

2 documents

Strict rules for pet burials

Wiesbaden, October 28, 2020. Hamsters, cats or dogs buried in their own garden after death: this is a comforting idea for many pet owners. The R + V Insurance information center explains what is allowed and prohibited.

Deep graves necessary

In principle, it is possible to bury smaller deceased pets in the private garden. But here too there are legal regulations. For example, the property must not be in a nature reserve or water protection area. It is also important to keep a sufficient distance from public paths and places, usually three meters. “In order to prevent other animals from tampering with the grave, the deceased animal must be covered by a layer of earth at least 50 centimeters thick,” says Sascha Nuss, a lawyer at R + V Versicherung. It is even safer to wrap the body in an environmentally friendly cloth or to put it in a box made of cardboard or wood.

Forest or park as a burial site taboo

If you don’t have your own garden, you can’t just bury the animal in the nearby meadow or in the forest. “The rules for handling dead animals are strict, also to protect drinking water and prevent the spread of contagious diseases,” says Nuss. That is why high fines are due if pet owners do not adhere to the requirements – several thousand euros are possible. Depending on the state or municipality, the regulations can be even stricter. “Vets or veterinary authorities, for example, know what is allowed where,” says the R + V expert. He advises you to find out about local regulations beforehand. Veterinarians also look after pets that have died of an epidemic or notifiable disease, as they must never be buried privately.

Further tips from the R + V information center:

- Statt im eigenen Garten können die Tiere auf einem Tierfriedhof begraben oder in einem Krematorium verbrannt werden – die Urne können die Besitzer dann sogar mit nach Hause nehmen. Wenn eingeschläferte Tiere beim Tierarzt bleiben, kommen sie in der Regel in eine Tierverbrennungsanlage. 
- Bei großen Hunden wie Wolfshunden oder Doggen empfiehlt es sich, einen formlosen Antrag beim zuständigen Veterinäramt zu stellen.
- Mieter müssen den Grundstückseigentümer um Erlaubnis fragen, bevor sie ein Tier auf dem Grundstück bestatten.
- Wer ein totes Tier findet, sollte das Ordnungsamt informieren. Dieses kümmert sich um die Beseitigung. 
Infocenter der R+V Versicherung
Anja Kassubek
c/o Arts & Others Communication GmbH
Telefon +49 (0) 61 72 / 90 22 - 131
[email protected]
Twitter: @ruv_news 


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